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Infographic: Getting Started On Content Marketing Strategy & Plan

Your company is redesigning its website and getting a complete makeover. Very exciting, right? Then your boss tells you that you’re responsible for content marketing, too. Suddenly, the project doesn’t seem as thrilling anymore. You’re not a content marketing guru. You don’t have any experience of content marketing strategy. The panic sets in.

Hold on! Believe it or not, whether you’re taking over or just starting a new content marketing strategy – it isn’t that hard. Certainly, it needs expertise to successfully create and implement the content marketing plan because it is both science and art and you need to rinse and repeat the process to perfect it. But, you do need to make sure to kick-start with a proper strategy from ground up to achieve desired results. Without a plan, success or failure is simply a matter of chance, and you risk wasting all of your efforts.

Having just completed the Content Marketing course that covers all the aspects of content marketing across various platforms and channels, I want to share with you what I’ve learned along the way. This infographic will walk you through 9 simple steps to developing and executing a content marketing plan that will help you build your brand and grow your business without wasting time and money:

Infographic on how to get started with Content Marketing

So now you know you don’t have to be a content marketing wizard to make sure your content is well positioned in the huge-huge digital world. Simply follow the steps above and create a successful content marketing strategy from beginning to end.

Do you have any additional tips for content marketing plan? I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below!



Harris, J. (2019). Content Marketing Guide for Successful Programs. contentmarketinginstitute.com
Content Marketing Institute. (2021). Getting Started Content Marketing Institutecontentmarketinginstitute.com
Forsey, C. (2021). How to Develop a Content Strategy: A Start-to-Finish Guide. hubspot.com
Hurley, S.(2020). 11 Steps to Create a Content Marketing Strategy to Grow Your Business. optinmonster.com
Content Marketing Institute. (2015). Launch you own content marketing program workbook. contentmarketinginstitute.com

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Comment (1)

  • Adi Montas Reply

    Very insightful Ikram! Thank you for sharing!!

    April 18, 2021 at 4:15 pm

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